Saturday, 26 March 2011

And the next planet is... Uuuummmm... MARS

I totally didn't have to look that one up.

Yes, the red planet. So here are some facts, boys and girls:
  • Named after the roman war god, Mars is smaller than earth, with the surface area of 28% of that of the Earth's.
  • Mars also holds several records; it's volcano Olympous Mons is 27km tall, (roughly three times the size of mount Everest,) and takes up an area similar to the American state of Arizona. This is the highest peak in the solar system.
  • It has the longest trench in the solar system too; stretching 4000km, and 7km deep, which makes it longer than the European continent and ten times longer than the grand canyon.
  • As Mars is smaller than Earth, gravity is a lot less; about 37% of what we experience on earth. If we are to ever land on Mars, we'd feel very light. (Though it would take us six months to travel by spaceship from Earth.)
  • It is the most likely of all the other planets in the solar system to have ever housed life; it is believed that water, the vital source of life, used to run on the red planet. It is now frozen, mainly in the polar ice caps.
Oh, and you wouldn't find any socialists here! (I'll just kill the joke.)